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Category: Blog

Detroit Fires Most Hated Man

by Lou Dubose | Sep 29, 2014 | Blog, Politics

  And don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Last week, Detroit’s mayor and city council unanimously voted to fire the city’s emergency manager Kevyn Orr 18 months after Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder appointed him to run the bankrupt city’s affairs. The Republican governor and Michigan’s Republican Legislature had already pushed the […]

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400,000 Protesters In Manhattan

by Lou Dubose | Sep 22, 2014 | Blog, Environment

  More than 400,000 climate protestors marching through Manhattan yesterday turned out because, as Bill McKibben, Eddie Bautista, and La Tonya Crisp-Sauray, wrote last week, the world has left the Holocene behind: scientists tell us that we’ve already raised the planet’s temperature almost one degree Celsius, and are on track for four or five more […]

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Did Scott Walker’s ‘Favorite’ Judge Just Guarantee His Reelection?

by Lou Dubose | Sep 17, 2014 | Blog, Legal Affairs, Politics

  Each of the three judges on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals panel that upheld Wisconsin’s voter ID law last Friday bore the Federalist Society seal of approval when they were appointed to the federal bench. So the decision to toss District Judge Lynn Aldeman’s 70-page opinion that found Wisconsin’s voter ID law in […]

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Panicked Georgia Republicans Look for Edge: Suppressing Black Votes

by Joan Walsh | Sep 12, 2014 | Blog, Politics

  Editor’s note: The lead story of The Washington Spectator‘s September issue is Lou Dubose‘s investigation into voter suppression in Georgia. Joan Walsh, Salon’s editor-at-large, did some of her own reporting and found similar results. We are pleased to republish her piece with permission.  Georgia Republicans are anxious. The bright red state stays that way […]

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A Prayer After All

by Lou Dubose | Aug 28, 2014 | Blog, Ferguson

  Ferguson, Missouri On the day after Michael Brown’s funeral, the staging area in the shopping mall parking lot on the edge of Ferguson was gone. The footprint surrounded by yellow police line tape was the same. But almost all the 500 parking spaces that remained off limits to the public were vacant. Where hundreds […]

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