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Category: Race

Donald Trump Protest

Letter From Downeast

by Peter Behrens | Oct 11, 2018 | Politics, Race

I’ve just lost a friend. He didn’t die. Our friendship of 41 years expired—burned up, shredded—in one email exchange. Jack—I’ll call him that—grew up in San Mateo County, California, the son of a municipal civil servant in what was a Leave-It-to-Beaver suburb that has since spawned some of the most expensive zip codes in the […]

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

The E-Racing of Meghan Markle

by Autumn Hayes | Sep 13, 2018 | Culture, Race

On May 19, 2018, more than 50 million Americans and Britons turned on their televisions to watch Meghan Markle, a freckled, brunette American previously best known for co-starring in the basic-cable legal drama Suits, marry Henry Charles Albert David No-Last-Name, also known as the Duke of Sussex, an equally freckled, very ginger English veteran who […]

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