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Category: Media

Rev. Cruz’s Sketchy Résumé

by Hannah Harper & Lou Dubose | Oct 15, 2015 | Media, Politics

  He has called President Obama a “socialist” and a “village idiot,” threatened to “unmask” him and suggested he “go back to Kenya.” In a rich and distinctly Cuban accent, he preaches the prosperity Gospel: tithe and accept God’s anointment and wealth will be bestowed upon you. He is a Dominionist, devoted to a movement […]

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The Prophetic President

by Rick Perlstein | Aug 27, 2015 | Media, Politics

  James Earl Carter is nearing the end. In an extraordinary press conference last week, the 39th president discussed his impending death from metastasizing liver cancer, with a grace, humor, and wisdom the rest of us can only hope to emulate when our own time comes. Soon will come the eulogies: then, the assessments. Forgive […]

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Corporate Dollars v. Union Dollars

by Lou Dubose | Jun 1, 2015 | Media

  In Citizens United, the 5-4 conservative minority on the John Roberts Court ruled that free speech is essential to a democracy and political contributions are a form of free speech, including contributions from corporations and unions. Since 2010, corporations and unions are much more free to spend money in primary and general elections. Writing […]

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Reform in Cuba: It’s Not about You

by Edel Rodríguez | Feb 1, 2015 | Media

  After President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. will reestablish diplomatic relations with Cuba, a collective “Oh no!” permeated the internet. And it persists. Not from right-leaning Cuban Americans in Miami, but from American liberals. The untouched, idyllic island they dreamed of visiting would soon be spoiled by corporate investment. Cuba will be ruined […]

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The Real Backstory of ‘Citizenfour’

by Ava Kofman | Jan 1, 2015 | Media

  At the New York premier of the documentary Citizenfour, Glenn Greenwald explained that the film presented an opportunity for audiences to make up their minds about the type of person Edward Snowden is. The captivating documentary by Pulitzer prize-winning filmmaker Laura Poitras is an account of Snowden setting in motion one of the most […]

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