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Category: Foreign Policy

A Response to “About those Benjamins”

by Joanna Graham | Aug 11, 2019 | Foreign Policy, Opinion, Politics

Mort Rosenblum’s article “About those Benjamins” in our May 2019 issue generated a considerable amount of reader mail containing a variety of prescriptions for peace in the Middle East. The most original and certainly the most provocative of these, from Joanna Graham in Berkeley, California, is presented below.    Mort Rosenblum’s article “About Those Benjamins” contains […]

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Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump

North Korea, One More Time

by Robert Alvarez | Mar 18, 2019 | Foreign Policy, Politics

On the eve of Trump’s first meeting with Kim Jong-un in May 2018, the nuclear policy veteran Robert Alvarez wrote with skepticism in The Spectator about the prospects for meaningful achievements from the summit process. A former senior policy advisor to the Secretary of the Energy Department who led DOE teams to secure weapons material […]

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Not-So-Great Expectations: Brexit’s History and Future

by Steven Pressman | Jan 13, 2019 | Foreign Policy, Politics

Britain seems stuck in a comedic Charles Dickens novel. At this point in time the chances that the U.K. will remain in the European Union appear slim, and the economic consequences of Brexit appear bleak. Our story begins in 1963, when the U.K. seeks to join a European free-trade zone that is to become (in […]

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Proposed USMCA Is Just Trumped Up Version of Old NAFTA Treaty

by Steven Pressman | Dec 7, 2018 | Foreign Policy, Politics

NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, was the brainchild of Ronald Reagan when he first ran for president. Following years of negotiation, an agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the United States was signed (by President Clinton for the United States) in December 1993 and finally took effect on January 1, 1994. The trade deal […]

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Trump's Unwinnable Trade War

Trump’s Trade War: An Unwinnable Folly

by Steven Pressman | Sep 3, 2018 | Economy, Foreign Policy, Politics

During his volatile presidential campaign, Donald Trump griped about the U.S. trade deficit and criticized U.S. trade agreements. He called the North American Free Trade Agreement “the worst trade deal the U.S. has ever made.” NAFTA reduced trade barriers (especially tariffs) between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. He opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an attempt […]

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