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Category: Foreign Policy

M.J. Rosenberg: Obama’s Old-Fashioned Imperialism

by M.J. Rosenberg | Jun 19, 2013 | Foreign Policy, Politics

President Barack Obama’s decision to provide military aid to the Syrian opposition is incredible. The U.S. is barely out of Iraq. It’s still bogged down in Afghanistan. Obama insists on keeping the Iran war option “on the table.” Yet suddenly we are taking sides in a civil war in Syria. The most amazing thing is […]

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In Wake of Woolwich Murder, Islamophobia Is the New Fascism

by Richard Sudan | Jun 12, 2013 | Foreign Policy, Legal Affairs

In late May, two British men of Nigerian descent hacked to death British soldier Lee Rigby in full view of witnesses in the Woolwich district of London. The assailants, who are awaiting trial, claimed to have avenged the killing of Muslims by British military. No reasonable person could possibly justify Rigby’s horrific death. No one. That simply […]

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M.J. Rosenberg: Samantha Power, Another Win for the Israel Lobby

by M.J. Rosenberg | Jun 11, 2013 | Foreign Policy

The month of March 2002 was a terrible time in both Israel and the West Bank. Some 100 Israelis were killed by Palestinian suicide bombers. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon launched a military operation in the West Bank killing some 500 Palestinians. Children made up a significant number of the victims on both sides. The prospects […]

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Obama Will Do (Almost) Anything for Israel

by M.J. Rosenberg | Jun 4, 2013 | Foreign Policy, Politics

There is a silver lining in President Barack Obama’s refusal to do much of anything to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is this: if Obama had any intentions of either bombing Iran’s nuclear installations or allowing Israel to do it, he would be laying the groundwork by pressuring Israel hard to end the occupation. That […]

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Letter from Turkey: Our Struggle Against Authoritarianism

by Adem Yavuz Elveren | Jun 3, 2013 | Foreign Policy

Turkey For the last five days, there has been extremely brutal police violence against peaceful protesters in Turkey. Almost all news channels are censored since they are extremely afraid of the prime minister, including CNN Turk! It is unbelievable but while CNN International showed protests and police violence, CNN Turk showed a documentary about penguins! […]

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