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Category: National Security

End the Shame of the Guantánamo Prison

by Lou Dubose | Apr 11, 2016 | Legal Affairs, National Security, Politics

  Photo Credit: Garry Knight The plan President Obama released in February, to close the 14-year-old prison at Guantánamo, leaves in place some of the most egregious practices devised during the Bush-Cheney administration. Under Obama’s plan, there will be no end to military commissions, although the ongoing war-court trial (actually pre-trial) of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and […]

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Trial Without End in Guantánamo

by Lou Dubose | Apr 7, 2016 | Foreign Policy, National Security

  Image Credit: Edel Rodríguez “We are attempting to practice law here,” Cheryl Bormann said. The defense attorney’s response to Judge James L. Pohl in a war court hearing was something close to resigned capitulation from a lawyer who appears to have concluded she cannot provide an adequate defense for a client facing execution by the state. […]

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Irradiated Iraq

by Barbara Koeppel | Mar 30, 2016 | Foreign Policy, National Security, Politics

Image Credit: Edel Rodríguez When the United States revealed in January that it is testing a more nimble, more precise version of its B61 atom bomb, some were immediately alarmed. General James Cartwright, a former strategist for President Obama, warned that “going smaller” could make nuclear weapons “more thinkable” and “more usable.” However, what is little known […]

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Shocked! Shocked!

by Hannah Gais | Feb 24, 2016 | National Security, Politics

Photo Credit: Michael Vadon The 2016 presidential primary has featured a whole host of new lows. From a neo-fascist, crony-capitalist Republican front-runner, to the repeated attempts at red-baiting on the Democratic side against a Democratic socialist, no less, we’re on track for a Super Tuesday race to the bottom. A little over a week before 12 […]

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The Audacity of Keeping Calm

by Hannah Gais | Jan 15, 2016 | National Security

  Photo Credit: Robb Hohmann For those concerned that the United States is in danger of another terrorist attack, President Obama has two words for you: chill out. World War III won’t be ignited by the crumbling Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). “Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted […]

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