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Category: National Security

Washington / USA - Dec 6, 2019: Pentagon Building aerial view in Washington DC, USA

Pentagon Strikes Back Against Claims of Alien Invaders

by Art Levine | May 29, 2024 | National Security

For nearly a century, there has been a never-ending narrative about UFOs crashing to Earth. The public has been bombarded with ever-more lurid tales about how the Pentagon and military contractors have been “reverse engineering” alien spacecraft they were secretly keeping hidden from public view — along with the remains of aliens they allegedly retrieved. […]

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Head shot of Vladimir Putin looking at the camera with a slight smile.

The Wide Angle: Washington Has Lost the Plot

by Dave Troy | Dec 18, 2023 | National Security, The Wide Angle

Official Washington has lost the plot, and I’ve never been more frightened for the future of America. No, I’m not talking about the fear of losing our democracy to authoritarian theocrats, though that remains a constant existential threat. I’m concerned that the pro-democracy “good guys” have settled into a debilitating groupthink. To use the Rumsfeldian […]

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David Grusch testifying at House Government Operations Subcommittee hearing on UFOs in JULY 2023

UFO Tales and Witness Credibility Falling Apart After Congressional Hearings

by Art Levine | Sep 8, 2023 | National Security

In the wake of the July 26 congressional hearings on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (formerly UFOs), the claims of alien visitations and secret government crash retrieval programs remain unproven —while questions about the credibility of the witnesses and the political motives of their patrons in Congress have fueled increasing public skepticism. There was little in the […]

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Cows in a pasture. The cow in the foreground is looking at the camera. In the far distance, a cow is being beamed up to a UFO.

Spaceship of Fools

by | Jul 20, 2023 | National Security

Major U.S. media and Congressional leadership swallow new unverified stories of alien visitations. Allegations of fraud filed with the SEC against conspiracy-promoting former DOD officials, rocker Tom DeLonge and the company they fronted for peddling false UFO-related claims. Growth in UFO cults and cult-like behavior, violence and cyber-stalking by UFO zealots raise new concerns.   […]

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FBI billboard seeking information on U.S. Capitol violence - Orlando, Florida

Prosecuting Trump and his Accomplices: Their Crimes and the Laws They Broke

by Jonathan M. Winer | Jan 4, 2022 | National Security, Politics

After the first year of investigations into the January 6 insurrection, which the House in authorizing its Select Committee termed a “domestic terrorist attack,” there is extensive evidence that the assault was instigated and incited by then-President Donald Trump. In precipitating the mob attack on the Capitol, Trump acted in concert with key officials in […]

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