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Category: Politics

Donald Trump rocket launcher

Incendiary Trump Rhetoric Shapes Court Decisions

by Andrew D. Cohen | Jul 11, 2017 | Legal Affairs, Politics

“Other presidents have lost arguments on the law. Nixon on tapes. Clinton on attorney-client privilege. But not credibility. No case turned on an alleged discriminatory motive of the president.”–Law professor Stephen Gillers With varying degrees of fanfare, President Donald Trump has signed approximately 100 executive orders, directives, and proclamations in the four months since he […]

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Bumbling Toward a New Cold War With Russia

by Scott Ritter | Jul 6, 2017 | Foreign Policy, Politics

As far as relationships go, Russia was never going to be easy. “It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma,” Winston Churchill famously told a 1939 radio audience when describing what was then the Soviet Union; indeed, relations between Moscow and the West since the ascension of the Bolsheviks in 1917 had […]

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The Sessions Chronicles

by Rick Perlstein | Jul 5, 2017 | Politics

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III: From commanding the war against immigrants to crusading in defense of the travel ban; from sabotaging the deployment of science on behalf of those wrongly accused to giving urban police departments a free hand to murder blacks; by pioneering new lows in criminalizing dissent and waging jihad against even the medical […]

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Colombia and the Business of Peace

by Belén Fernández | Jun 20, 2017 | Foreign Policy, Politics

Hitchhiking across Colombia in 2009, my friend Amelia and I received a particularly memorable ride from an upbeat truck driver who careened in carefree fashion along cliffside curves while we—perched one on top of the other on the metal fixture that served as the passenger seat—endeavored to remain upright and thereby maintain some semblance of […]

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Attica Lives

by Richard Brodsky | Jun 20, 2017 | Politics

Don’t believe the fashionable notion that linear narrative is passé. Heather Ann Thompson’s essential and heart-stopping new book, Blood in the Water, hurtles through the horrific story of the Attica uprising and its consequences like a freight train, all 571 pages. If Charles Dickens were writing nonfiction, this is how it would read. It’s a […]

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