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Category: Politics

Wealth Tax

Yes, Increase Taxes on the Ultrarich, but What’s the Best Way to Do It?

by Steven Pressman | Sep 29, 2019 | Economy, Election 2020

During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Elizabeth Warren vigorously defended her proposal for a new type of tax in the United States—an annual tax on wealth. “It’s time to tax the top one-tenth of 1 percent fortunes in this country,” she said. Indeed, the very rich do need to pay higher taxes. Their tax […]

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President Trump

Why “I don’t like his rhetoric, but I like what he’s doing with the economy” is not a good reason to support any leader

by Patricia Roberts-Miller | Sep 25, 2019 | Media, Politics

There are a lot of sayings that amount to a kind of folk pragmatism: “Might makes right.” “God helps those who help themselves.” “The ends justify the means.” “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” These are all ways of saying if you’re getting the outcome you want, then don’t worry about how that […]

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Trump's Nuclear Fallout

Why Government Secrecy Is More Damaging to Public Health Than Nuclear Fallout

by Robert Alvarez | Sep 11, 2019 | Environment, Foreign Policy

Much has been written about the strengths and flaws of Chernobyl—the HBO miniseries nominated for 19 Emmys that chronicles the catastrophe at the eponymous Russian nuclear power plant in 1986. In the mind of this reviewer, it’s a riveting if sobering television gem, and highly recommended. And to this newly enlivened debate over nuclear power […]

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A Response to “About those Benjamins”

by Joanna Graham | Aug 11, 2019 | Foreign Policy, Opinion, Politics

Mort Rosenblum’s article “About those Benjamins” in our May 2019 issue generated a considerable amount of reader mail containing a variety of prescriptions for peace in the Middle East. The most original and certainly the most provocative of these, from Joanna Graham in Berkeley, California, is presented below.    Mort Rosenblum’s article “About Those Benjamins” contains […]

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The Media’s 10 Rules of Hate

by Matt Taibbi | Jul 7, 2019 | Media, Politics

Pick up any major newspaper, or turn on any network television news broadcast. The political orientation won’t matter. It could be Fox or MSNBC, The Washington Post or The Washington Times. You’ll find virtually every story checks certain boxes. Call them the 10 rules of hate. After generations of doing the opposite, when unity and […]

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