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Category: Rickipedia

Kingmakers Beware

by Rick Perlstein | Sep 21, 2016 | Rickipedia

Phyllis Stewart Schlafly (b. 1924) did not invent the practice we now call “trolling.” (Richard Nixon had been pretty good at it since the 1940s.) She just lowered it to unprecedented depths of perfection. In 1975, in response to complaints from conservatives about the ideological uniformity of Illinois’s Commission on the Status of Women, the governor appointed her to the body, which at that point had unanimously supported passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Schlafly began publicly referring to it as the “SOW Commission.” When others took offense, she affected surprise: that—Status of Women—was its acronym, after all. And besides, “these women who are complaining are the same ones who call men chauvinist pigs.”

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Senate Floor 2015

Hillary’s Reckless Off-Ramp Strategy

by Rick Perlstein | Sep 12, 2016 | Election 2016, Rickipedia

I published an article here on August 22 arguing against a dangerous strategy apparently being pursued by the Clinton presidential campaign, as revealed in a hacked email discussion between DNC officials last spring. In an effort to expedite the defection of Republicans offended by their party’s nominee, the campaign was building up Speaker Paul Ryan […]

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Hillary’s GOP Sympathies

by Rick Perlstein | Aug 22, 2016 | Election 2016, Rickipedia

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore   When your opponent is drowning, the old saying goes, throw him an anvil. Is Hillary Clinton throwing hers a life raft instead? In May, the Democratic National Committee’s communication director Luis Miranda wrote to the DNC’s chief operating officer, Amy Dacey, with a serious complaint. The e-mail, part of the […]

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The Erotic Christian

by Rick Perlstein | Aug 2, 2016 | Politics, Rickipedia

Photo Credit: Dave Emerson   Tim LaHaye died last week. He was 90. He was best known for co-writing the “Left Behind” series of novels about the battle of Armageddon, which fundamentalists believe will follow the Rapture of Christian believers from earth. The books have sold over 63 million copies—the version of the series for […]

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Trump’s Chump

by Rick Perlstein | Jul 8, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics, Rickipedia

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore   Ah, those craven fiends atop the Republican Party, whoring before power and calling it “unity.” Consider the man Donald Trump used to call “Little Marco,” a “disaster for Florida” who “couldn’t get elected dog catcher.” He might not be qualified to catch dogs, but he sure does a convincing imitation […]

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