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Category: Election 2016

Will Ex-Presidents Check Donald Trump?

by Arthur J. Magida | Apr 21, 2017 | Election 2016, Politics

America prides itself on peaceful transitions from one president to the other. No coups. No backstabbing. No backward glances at what might have been. We witness this every four years or, at the most, every eight. No matter how bitter a presidential campaign or how antithetical an outgoing president’s policies and ideology may be from […]

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Guns, Extremism, and Threats of Escalation

by Rick Perlstein | Apr 14, 2017 | Election 2016, Politics

A friend writes, “For basically the past six months or so I’ve been trying to tell my lefty friends in so many words, ‘Hey, there are a bunch of people on the Internet who are waiting for someone to tell them it’s okay to start shooting at you.’” He became concerned when a thread at […]

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The Russian Connections

by Hannah Gais | Mar 21, 2017 | Election 2016, Foreign Policy, Politics

The House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee’s Monday hearing on Russian electoral interference was a five-hour Q&A session featuring FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Admiral Michael Rogers. There will likely be more hearings in months to come, but this one didn’t provide many titillating details. (Or, to put it another way, no, the piss […]

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A Political Hustler to Run DOE

by Lou Dubose | Feb 8, 2017 | Election 2016, Politics

Rick Perry might have been a safe pick as Energy Secretary, but it’s hard to argue that he was a smart one. There are valid reasons—beyond the fact that he once argued that the U.S. Department of Energy should be shut down—that would, in a healthy democracy, disqualify Perry as the CEO of a federal […]

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Trump’s Minister of Propaganda and His ‘Occupy’ Film

by Rick Perlstein | Jan 30, 2017 | Election 2016, Politics

Everyone has been asking me how Donald Trump can possibly thrive politically once his voters discover that what he said on the campaign trail was categorical bullshit. I respond by pointing out that people only know what they know, and what they know about Trump will be determined by a campaign of White House disinformation […]

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