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Search Results for: samir chopra

david koch2

Machine Politics

by Samir Chopra | Apr 1, 2014 | Books

…ege and the author of Brave New Pitch: The Evolution of Modern Cricket. He blogs at samirchopra.com. Follow him @eyeonthepitch….

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The Cult of the Coach

by Samir Chopra | Jan 29, 2014 | Uncategorized

…book is Brave New Pitch: The Evolution of Modern Cricket. He blogs at samirchopra.com….

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Prohibition’s Central Incoherence

by Samir Chopra | Jan 10, 2014 | Politics

A few days ago, I wrote about David Brooks’ inane op-ed titled “Weed: Been There, Done That.” Looking back, what strikes me as most galling about Brooks’ post and other pro-prohibition sentiments that I’ve heard expressed in the past is the shriveled…

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David Brooks Smoked Weed So You Didn’t Have To

by Samir Chopra | Jan 3, 2014 | Legal Affairs

…book is Brave New Pitch: The Evolution of Modern Cricket. He blogs at samirchopra.com….

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The Morons Strike Again

by Samir Chopra | Sep 23, 2013 | Uncategorized

…book is Brave New Pitch: The Evolution of Modern Cricket. He blogs at samirchopra.com….

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