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Category: Books

A photo mockup of the book, The Nexus

The Nexus Book Review

by Will Novosedlik | Jul 5, 2023 | Books

It’s London at the end of the 21st century. Still in the early stages of reconstruction in the wake of a global holocaust, the once great city lies in ruins but is cloaked in an augmented reality that makes it look exactly as it did before the world collapsed in a decades-long storm of environmental […]

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Power Concedes Nothing book cover

Power Concedes Nothing—How Grassroots Organizing Wins Elections

by Peter Olney | Aug 31, 2022 | Books

My wife stood aghast as I rapped on the passenger-side window of the late model sedan exiting a driveway in Salem, New Hampshire, in the fall of 2016. The car stopped, and a woman rolled down her window and listened patiently to my pitch on why she should vote for Hillary Clinton for president. As […]

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American Kompromat

by Craig Unger | Feb 19, 2021 | Books, Politics

  The ascent of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States in 2016 did not take place in a vacuum, nor did his grab for unprecedented executive power that far transcend democratic norms. Starting back in the Soviet era, the KGB and its successors methodically studied various components of the American body politic […]

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Karl Rove, Partisan Judges, and Corruption in Alabama

by Lou Dubose | Jul 31, 2020 | Books

On June 28, 2007, Don Siegelman made his final appearance in U.S. District Court Judge Mark Everett Fuller’s courtroom. The former secretary of state, attorney general, lieutenant governor, and governor of Alabama was in leg-irons, handcuffs, and a jailhouse jumpsuit, as directed by the judge. Appointed to the bench by George W. Bush (then resigning […]

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Donald Trump

A Wolff at the Door

by Mort Rosenblum | Feb 14, 2018 | Books, Culture, Legal Affairs, Politics

It seems pretty clear watching the reaction to Michael Wolff’s neutron bomb, Fire and Fury: We Americans, collectively, have gone out of our flipping minds. How can we let this fake president continue to personify us? The book, if hardly a literary masterwork, spills enough beans to bury Donald Trump, his clown-car inner circle, and […]

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