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Category: Economy

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The Summers of Our Discontent: An Inflationary Folktale

by Steven Pressman | Sep 13, 2021 | Economy

Inflation is headline news for the first time in decades, and a battle is raging over whether rising prices threaten the U.S. economy. On one side are those fearing a return to 1970s double-digit inflation and advocating for slower economic growth. Combatants on the other side claim that economic growth should not be sacrificed on […]

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Food banks

Child Allowances: A Simple and Inexpensive Way to Help Families With Children 

by Steven Pressman | Jul 5, 2021 | Economy

Raising children is expensive. A typical middle-class, two-child family spends $13,000 annually on each child, or nearly a quarter-million dollars per child in total through age 17. This tally includes neither college costs nor the cost to a family of putting money aside to help the children attend college, which itself can easily run another […]

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New York National Guard

Four Ways Biden and the Democrats Can Spur Real Economic Justice

by Dennis Parker | Mar 11, 2021 | Economy, Opinion

Rampant economic inequality in the United States demands structural solutions centered on racial justice. Income inequality and unequal access to jobs, health care, and benefits disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Racial inequity in wages already costs the U.S. economy about $2.3 trillion per year. President Biden has stated his administration will prioritize […]

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Mural on boarded up storefront

Keynes to Democrats: Major Government Infusions Needed to Rescue this Economy

by Steven Pressman | Feb 2, 2021 | Coronavirus, Economy

Developed by John Maynard Keynes during the Great Depression, Keynesian economics provides a blueprint for combating economic stagnation and helping people survive difficult economic times. It advocates government spending programs and tax cuts for the poor and middle class, aiding those in greatest need. Spending by the masses would then generate economic growth and more […]

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Maint ST sign

Trump Economics Embrace Usual Fare of Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and False Promises to the Middle Class

by Steven Pressman | Sep 18, 2020 | Economy, Politics

Two numbers reveal everything you need to know about the U.S. economy over the past two decades. Between 1999 and 2018, the S&P 500 grew 6 percent annually, after accounting for dividends (2 percent annual gain) and inflation (2 percent annual loss). Stock prices more than doubled in value over this time period. Wall Street […]

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