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Category: Election 2016

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Meet the Press

by Rick Perlstein | Dec 6, 2016 | Election 2016, Rickipedia

I was curious, so I did a bit of research on theories about why great civilizations fall. Some scholars point to the danger of overextended militaries, others on overwhelmed bureaucracies. Sometimes the key factor is declines in public health, often caused by agricultural crises. Political corruption is another contender, as are inflated currencies, technological inferiority, […]

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Democracy and Indecency

by Rick Perlstein | Nov 29, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics

This January marks my 20th anniversary writing about the American right wing as a historian and a journalist. Wearing my historian’s hat, I’ve documented lunatic John Birch Society members convinced that President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a “conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy”; underground militias stockpiling guns against imminent Communist invasion, threatening death to congressmen […]

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White Grievance, Little Hyperboles, and the Coming Storm

by Hamilton Fish | Nov 17, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics

There was a moment of reckoning on election night when the enormity and irreversibility of what was taking place across the nation hit home with the force of a jackhammer. The talking heads were looking at two state maps, first Pennsylvania and after that Wisconsin, both enlarged on the screen so that each state was […]

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When James Comey Was Our Hero

by Lou Dubose | Nov 3, 2016 | Election 2016, The Interval

FBI Director James Comey frequently describes how his Irish-American heritage formed him. Here, for example, is Comey at Georgetown University in February 2015. I am descended from Irish immigrants. A century ago, the Irish knew well how American society—and law enforcement—viewed them: as drunks, ruffians, and criminals. Law enforcement’s biased view of the Irish lives […]

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Election Reform in Maine

by Peter White | Oct 25, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics

Squeezed between Quebec and New Brunswick, and sticking up into Canada like a sore thumb, is the improbable state of Maine. The average income in Maine is $5,000 less than in the rest of the United States, and only a quarter of its residents have college degrees. Portland and Bangor have internet service but overall […]

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