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Category: Election 2016

Rumble in the Alt-Right Thunderdome

by Hannah Gais | Aug 26, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics

Photo Credit: Official Trump card   With several months of election-related chaos to go, Hillary Clinton took to the stage in Nevada to call out a crackpot movement of Trump supporters that few people have even heard of. On Thursday, the Democratic nominee gave a speech in Reno, Nevada, decrying the so-called alt-right (short for […]

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Hillary’s GOP Sympathies

by Rick Perlstein | Aug 22, 2016 | Election 2016, Rickipedia

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore   When your opponent is drowning, the old saying goes, throw him an anvil. Is Hillary Clinton throwing hers a life raft instead? In May, the Democratic National Committee’s communication director Luis Miranda wrote to the DNC’s chief operating officer, Amy Dacey, with a serious complaint. The e-mail, part of the […]

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Sump Trump

by Hannah Gais | Jul 29, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics

Photo Credit: Darron Birgenheier   Donald Trump’s presidential campaign draws energy from its rowdy, often racist, internet fans. On Wednesday evening it embraced the unhinged shitposters who make up the candidate’s loudest fan base in all their meme-tastic glory. Trump—who we now know can use a computer (or at least pose with it)—took to Reddit, or […]

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Dark Days at the Republican National Convention

by Aaron Cantú | Jul 21, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics

Photo Credit: ABC/ Fred Watkins   Cleveland The week has felt like a familiar nightmare come true. A possible Trump presidency facilitated by an unprecedented convergence of security forces and imperiled only by Clinton II is a dystopian plot line straight out of Gen-X pop culture. One relic from that era appeared at the Republican National […]

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Trumpismo Rattles Mexico

by Lou Dubose | Jul 19, 2016 | Election 2016, Foreign Policy

Edel Rodríguez   Mexico City Donald Trump has connected with the Mexican public in a way that no other American politician ever has. Talk to a cab driver, a group of kids at a gay pride rally, a high school teacher, a woman scratching out an existence selling churros on a street corner—everyone, it seems, […]

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