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Category: Foreign Policy

Congress Will Likely Approve Strikes on Syria

by M.J. Rosenberg | Sep 2, 2013 | Foreign Policy

(Source: Pete Souza) The New York Times has a pretty shocking revelation on page one this weekend. White House correspondent Mark Landler reveals (after interviewing unnamed senior Obama aides) that the “most compelling” reason the president is seeking Congressional authorization to strike Syria may be this: …acting alone would undercut him if in the next […]

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Syria: Should We Stay or Should We Go?

by Samir Chopra | Aug 27, 2013 | Foreign Policy

(Source: ABC News) The latest reports of the use of chemical weapons in Syria—by Assad’s regime against civilians—render a consideration of the arguments for intervention in Syria ever more urgent, especially as part of the existent case against intervention has rested on a skeptical assessment of previous reports of the use of chemical weapons. In […]

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Martin Luther King’s Words in a Surveillance World

by Ariel Dorfman | Aug 27, 2013 | Foreign Policy, Politics

This article originally appeared in TomDispatch.com. So much has changed since that hot day in August 1963 when Martin Luther King delivered his famous words from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. A black family lives in the White House and official segregation is a thing of the past. Napalm no longer falls on the […]

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Toward a Progressive Foreign Policy: The Case of Syria

by Andrew Meyer | Aug 19, 2013 | Foreign Policy

U.S. politics is usually dominated by debates over domestic policy, so it has almost been forgotten that the downhill slide of the Bush coalition began because of their mismanagement of foreign affairs. The midterm election of 2006 was carried by the Democrats due to anger over the Iraq war. Though the political scene here in […]

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John Kerry Is Making It Worse

by M.J. Rosenberg | Aug 12, 2013 | Foreign Policy

(John Kerry | Source: AFP) Initially it appeared that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace initiative was harmless. Although few Israelis, Palestinians or Americans expected it to accomplish anything, it was hard to make the case that it would do any damage. No more. And not just because the Israeli government keeps announcing the […]

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