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Category: Politics

The Fifty Years Since Brown Have Not Solved an American Quandry

by WS Editors | May 15, 2004 | Politics

On May 17, 1954, the United States Supreme Court unanimously declared that racially segregated public schools are inherently unequal and are in violation of the equal protection laws guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1868. Before that spring day, 50 years ago, 17 Southern states and the District of Columbia had […]

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Cheney’s Secrets | Sierra Club Controversy | Specter Wins, Democracy Loses in Pennsylvania

by WS Editors | May 15, 2004 | Politics

Cheney’s Rainy Days—The courtroom combat over the Bush administration’s paranoid cover-up of Vice President Cheney’s secret meetings with energy execs continues. Documents from the 2001 White House huddles between Cheney and such high-ups in the energy industry as Ken Lay of the corrupt Enron Corporation, finally reached the Supreme Court on April 27. It’s about […]

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Warriors Behind the Scenes Coached the Stars On Stage

by Margie Burns | May 1, 2004 | Foreign Policy, Politics

Editor’s note: Pesident Bush called the days leading up to the Easter weekend “a tough week” in Iraq. It was also a tough week for him at home, and the following weeks have gotten tougher. An April poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that support among Democrats for […]

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Post-Tax-Day Musings | Bob Edwards Gets Axed

by WS Editors | May 1, 2004 | Politics

States’ Rates—As Mark Twain put it, the only difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector is that “the taxidermist takes only your skin.” Now the Tax Foundation, a conservative anti-tax research group in Washington, has compiled a new list of how much skin state and local governments take from their taxpayers, and of course […]

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Electronic Voting Machines May Cast More Doubts Than Votes

by Ed Davis | Apr 15, 2004 | Politics

There are two sides in the ongoing political and technical scrap over efforts to reform the voting process, a move begun after the 2000 election scandal in Florida. The Florida election gave—or alleged—a 537-vote edge to George W. Bush over former Vice President Al Gore. Remember? With the help of the 5-to-4 Supreme Court decision […]

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Bad Faith Documentary

Bad Faith

“A great and powerful and timely film” – Ken Burns

Critics are raving about BAD FAITH, the sensational expose of Christian Nationalism from directors Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones

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“One of the Ten Best Films of 2024”Variety

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