Category: Rickipedia

Why Not Kasich?
by Rick Perlstein | Feb 26, 2016 | Election 2016, Politics, RickipediaSophia Oldsman They’re assholes, really, New Hampshire primary voters. At Gilchrist Metal Fabricating’s grimy factory in Hudson the day before the primary, during what the Granite State for some reason calls a “town hall meeting,” Chris Christie tells an illustrative story. One of these indigenous Granite State prima donnas buttonholed him, he says, to […]

Obama, Transformed
by Rick Perlstein | Jan 19, 2016 | Economy, Foreign Policy, Politics, Rickipediaphoto: They say the president gave his seventh State of the Union address last Tuesday, but personally, I count eight. On February 24, 2009, Barack Obama’s 35th full day in office, he delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress to explain how America had gotten into its economic mess and how his […]

Juvenilia Strikes Back
by Rick Perlstein | Dec 18, 2015 | RickipediaPhoto Credit: Rob Young So, Star Wars. I was about to turn eight years old when it came out, and I loved it as much as the next second grader did. Because . . . I was a second grader. Looking back at the summer of 1977 now, however, wearing my historian’s cap, I have […]

A Lout with Clout
by Rick Perlstein | Dec 2, 2015 | Politics, RickipediaPhoto: Jamie Bernstein Chicago’s sociopathic mayor sat down for a breakfast interview this Wednesday at a tony club on the 66th floor of the 106-story Willis Tower, hosted by POLITICO Playbook, the website tout Washington scans every morning to learn what they’re supposed to talk about that day, indifferent or oblivious to the fact that […]

With Trump, Everything Requires Revision
by Rick Perlstein | Dec 1, 2015 | Politics, RickipediaPhoto Credit: Gage Skidmore One of the reasons I’ve been writing so much about the Donald Trump phenomenon has little to do with Trump himself. Rather, it concerns a subject of deeper fascination to me: the moeurs of America’s pundit class. That in any given era, the content of their opinioneering says more about […]
Bad Faith Documentary
Bad Faith
“A great and powerful and timely film” – Ken Burns
Critics are raving about BAD FAITH, the sensational expose of Christian Nationalism from directors Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones
“One of the Ten Best Films of 2024” – Variety
The Wide Angle: “Project Russia,” Unknown in the West, Reveals Putin’s Playbook
By Dave Troy
The Wide Angle: Peter Thiel and the American Apocalypse
By Dave Troy
What Does Putin Have on Trump?
By Bob Dreyfuss
The Wide Angle: Stop Musk Now Or Face Certain Collapse
By Dave Troy
Trump and Musk Advance to the Rear and May Lead the Rest of Us Straight to Hell
By Michael Winship