Category: Media

Judge Kavanaugh, I Feel For You
by Jules Feiffer | Nov 19, 2018 | Media, PoliticsStrip by Jules Feiffer. The Ghost Script, Jules’s new graphic novel, is just out. This piece originally ran in Tablet magazine, at, and was reprinted with permission in the November issue of The Spectator.

Annals of the Press
by Jacob Brackman | Oct 15, 2018 | Media, PoliticsJacob Brackman was a 21-year-old features editor on The Harvard Crimson when, in 1965, he wrote this vivid profile of Izzy Stone, the ingenious and curmudgeonly proprietor of I.F. Stone’s Weekly. Corporate media was ascendant even in those early years, and Stone’s independence, fearlessness, and legendary work ethic earned him a unique standing at a […]

On John Ridley’s American Crime and the #MeToo Movement
by Cyrus Cassells | Apr 17, 2018 | Culture, Media, PoliticsThe more I’ve been following the #MeToo movement, with its dismaying, even shocking revelations about the ubiquity of harassment, sexual coercion in the workplace, and even rape, the more I’ve been longing to revisit the incredibly pertinent second season of ABC’s American Crime. The show focuses, with unremitting power, on the alleged sexual assault of […]

Acclaimed Black Cinema: On Moonlight, Fences, and Get Out
by Cyrus Cassells | Feb 5, 2018 | Culture, MediaThe underdog Best Picture triumph at the 2017 Oscars of Barry Jenkins’s deeply affecting Moonlight, which already feels like a contemporary classic, over the lightweight, plucky, Hollywood fantasia La La Land, might be seen as a weather vane of sorts, an upbeat sign of the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement and the genuine […]

Fake News was Hallmark of MSM Long Before Trump and Twitter
by Jim Sleeper | Sep 10, 2017 | Media, PoliticsEver since the current occupant of the White House blamed mainstream journalists for generating fake news, some of us have countered by blaming social media and armies of trolls and bots (robotic tweets). But it’s as silly to blame social media for causing fake news as it would be to blame the internal combustion engine […]
Bad Faith Documentary
Bad Faith
“A great and powerful and timely film” – Ken Burns
Critics are raving about BAD FAITH, the sensational expose of Christian Nationalism from directors Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones
“One of the Ten Best Films of 2024” – Variety
The Wide Angle: “Project Russia,” Unknown in the West, Reveals Putin’s Playbook
By Dave Troy
The Wide Angle: Peter Thiel and the American Apocalypse
By Dave Troy
What Does Putin Have on Trump?
By Bob Dreyfuss
The Wide Angle: Stop Musk Now Or Face Certain Collapse
By Dave Troy
Trump and Musk Advance to the Rear and May Lead the Rest of Us Straight to Hell
By Michael Winship