Category: Culture

American Kompromat
by Craig Unger | Feb 19, 2021 | Books, PoliticsThe ascent of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States in 2016 did not take place in a vacuum, nor did his grab for unprecedented executive power that far transcend democratic norms. Starting back in the Soviet era, the KGB and its successors methodically studied various components of the American body politic […]

The Heart and Art of Milton Glaser
by Peter Yarrow | Aug 24, 2020 | CultureMilton Glaser—the peerless graphic designer, painter, and visionary for humanity—was a dear and generous friend and ally to me and to Peter, Paul & Mary. His passing, in my life, is that of the loss of a surrogate father, though he was only nine years my senior and I’m sure he never knew that this […]

Inheriting The Memory of Justice
by Catherine Ellsberg | Aug 24, 2020 | Culture, PoliticsJudgment. Responsibility. Guilt. Crimes. Justice. Throughout The Memory of Justice, Marcel Ophuls’s sprawling 1976 jeremiad on the Nuremberg trials, these are the terms that spring into action in nearly every scene. I have watched this film dozens of times; I have devoted countless hours to taking notes and rewinding key moments and sleeping and dreaming […]

Karl Rove, Partisan Judges, and Corruption in Alabama
by Lou Dubose | Jul 31, 2020 | BooksOn June 28, 2007, Don Siegelman made his final appearance in U.S. District Court Judge Mark Everett Fuller’s courtroom. The former secretary of state, attorney general, lieutenant governor, and governor of Alabama was in leg-irons, handcuffs, and a jailhouse jumpsuit, as directed by the judge. Appointed to the bench by George W. Bush (then resigning […]

by Carolyn Forché | Mar 22, 2020 | PoetryUniversally acclaimed poet Carolyn Forché is famous for “poetry of witness,” a term she first coined in her groundbreaking anthology, Against Forgetting. Her honors include a Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the Edita and Ira Morris Hiroshima Foundation Award for crafting her poetry as a “means to attain understanding, reconciliation, and peace within communities […]
Bad Faith Documentary
Bad Faith
“A great and powerful and timely film” – Ken Burns
Critics are raving about BAD FAITH, the sensational expose of Christian Nationalism from directors Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones
“One of the Ten Best Films of 2024” – Variety
Editor’s Picks
By Anthony Barnett
Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy
By Hamilton Fish
God and QR Codes for Trump; The Courage Tour Goes to Michigan
By Anne Nelson
Project 2025: The Latest Plot Against America
By Anne Nelson
What Does Putin Have on Trump?
By Bob Dreyfuss