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Category: Culture

Architecture of the Right: Ventures in Digital Media

Architecture of the Right: Ventures in Digital Media

by | Apr 28, 2022 | Media

In the wake of Republican losses in 2020, a cast of mega-rich financiers, senior figures in the Trump administration, high-ranking NSA and Pentagon intelligence officials, Wall Street pitchmen and leading Trump campaign donors began to piece together a new global disinformation apparatus intended to promote the political project of the far right. The twin focal […]

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Ramsey Clark

Remembering Ramsey Clark

by Mark Green | May 1, 2021 | Culture, Politics

Ramsey Clark, former attorney general under Lyndon Baines Johnson and progressive civil rights attorney who ran twice for U.S. Senate from New York, died at 93 in his Manhattan home on April 9, 2021. Mark Green—on the staff of both the 1974 and 1976 campaigns—recalls the experience of trying to combine Clark’s principles with New […]

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what if

by Claudia Rankine | Apr 29, 2021 | Culture, Race

  what if i What does it mean to want an age-old call for change not to change and yet, also, to feel bullied by the call to change? How is a call to change named shame, named penance, named chastisement? How does one say what if without reproach? The root of chastise is to […]

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Reverend William Barber

Addressing Biden and Harris, Reverend Barber Calls For a Third Reconstruction

by Reverend William J. Barber II | Mar 5, 2021 | Culture, Race

  The Reverend William Barber II, the civil rights leader who is considered the heir to Martin Luther King Jr., was asked by President Biden and Vice President Harris to deliver the homily at the Inaugural prayer breakfast, held at the National Cathedral on January 21. The following is the text of his sermon. Lord, […]

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24 Principals of Design

How to Design the World

by Will Novosedlik | Feb 24, 2021 | Culture

  In his 2017 bestselling novel American War, Egyptian-Canadian journalist and first-time novelist Omar El Akkad imagines a near future in which America has been torn apart by climate change, two civil wars, and a decade-long plague. North Africa and the Arab world have merged into a new superpower called the Bouazizi Empire, with its […]

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