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Category: Economy

Counting the .01 Percent’s Uncounted Wealth

by Sam Pizzigati | Nov 11, 2013 | Economy

How unequal have workplaces in the United States become? Our best answer happens to come from an unlikely source: the Social Security Administration. Social Security statisticians each year tally up how much compensation gets reported on W-2s, those forms that employers have to file for employees at all their worksites, from mailrooms to executive suites. […]

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The Hidden Public Health Crisis

by Saru Jayaraman | Nov 8, 2013 | Economy

(Source: AP via NPR) Outbreaks of E. coli always grab national headlines, but equally dangerous to public health is norovirus, or the winter stomach flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that as much as 90 percent of norovrius outbreaks can be traced to sick restaurant workers. That’s because sick restaurant workers cannot […]

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Wealth Gap Leads to Empathy Gap

by Sam Pizzigati | Nov 4, 2013 | Economy

(Source: CNN) Scrooge has come early this year. This holiday season, kids in America’s poorest families are going to have less to eat. November 1 brought $5 billion in new cuts to the nation’s food stamp program, now officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Poor families will lose on average 7 […]

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Why CEOs Aren’t Celebrating

by Sam Pizzigati | Oct 28, 2013 | Economy

In 1930, an obscure lawsuit against Bethlehem Steel unearthed a piece of corporate data that would quickly outrage Great Depression-era America. Bethlehem CEO W.R. Grace, Americans learned, had grabbed $1.6 million in personal compensation the year before. That revelation would soon help fix a variety of new regulations on America’s corporate executive suites, including a […]

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The Only Industry Allowed to Gouge Its Workers

by Saru Jayaraman | Oct 23, 2013 | Economy

I love going out to eat. I love experiencing new meals and returning to tried-and-true favorites. Given the growing number who regularly eat out, I’d say most of America feels the same way. Until recently I shared something else with most of America: for all the hundreds of restaurant meals I had eaten, I knew […]

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