Category: Economy
Do the Numbers | Guns and Cars
by WS Editors | Oct 15, 2009 | EconomyDo the Numbers—While New York Times polling had 65 percent of the American public supporting a public option—a public health insurance company that would compete with private insurers—two amendments that would have provided a public option were rejected by the Senate Finance Committee. The defeat of Sen. John J. Rockefeller IV’s (D-WV) amendment (15-8) at a September […]
Bomb Iran? | Cram-Down Crammed Down
by WS Editors | May 15, 2009 | Economy, Foreign PolicyBomb Iran?—Swine flu kept the story off the front pages of American newspapers, but the Israeli press is engaged in a robust public debate over the prospect of an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. That line of discussion continues in the Israeli press. “As far as Netanyahu is concerned, a decisive […]
Obama’s Economic Team Banks ?On Wall Street
by WS Editors | May 1, 2009 | EconomyCONGRESSMAN HENRY B. GONZÁLEZ once asked me if I could name the largest transfer of wealth in our country’s history. I stumbled through a couple of New Deal acronyms and had moved on to the defense budget when González stopped me. “Mortgage lending,” he said. González was a liberal Democrat from San Antonio who chaired […]
Bob Gates vs. Lockheed Martin
by WS Editors | Apr 15, 2009 | Economy, National SecurityIT’S NO SECRET that Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to close out production of the F-22. Gates has been a critic of the bells-and-whistles guys in the Pentagon, has argued against Cold War weapons systems, and in June fired the fighter jet’s most outspoken advocates—Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff T. Michael […]
Watchdog Bites | Iron Law of Wages | Critical Mass of Crazy | Race to the Bottom
by WS Editors | Apr 15, 2009 | EconomyWatchdog Bites—Since 2007, Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren has been making the case for a Financial Products Safety Commission that would evaluate financial instruments before bankers or brokers sell them to the public. Considering the wealth lost since the economy began to slide into a recession, a commission protecting individuals from high-risk securities and […]
Bad Faith Documentary
Bad Faith
“A great and powerful and timely film” – Ken Burns
Critics are raving about BAD FAITH, the sensational expose of Christian Nationalism from directors Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones
“One of the Ten Best Films of 2024” – Variety
The Wide Angle: “Project Russia,” Unknown in the West, Reveals Putin’s Playbook
By Dave Troy
The Wide Angle: Peter Thiel and the American Apocalypse
By Dave Troy
What Does Putin Have on Trump?
By Bob Dreyfuss
The Wide Angle: Stop Musk Now Or Face Certain Collapse
By Dave Troy
Trump and Musk Advance to the Rear and May Lead the Rest of Us Straight to Hell
By Michael Winship