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Category: Foreign Policy

Congress Just Says No to an Iraq War Escalation

by WS Editors | Mar 1, 2007 | Foreign Policy, Politics

If the Congressional elections of the past November 7 were an unofficial vote of no-confidence for President Bush and the Iraq War, an official one was finally delivered on February 15 by the House of Representatives when it passed a resolution disapproving of the Bush plan for a “surge” of more U.S. troops to be […]

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A Republican Legal Blacklist | Journalism Is a Dangerous Job | The Future of Guantánamo

by WS Editors | Mar 1, 2007 | Foreign Policy, Media

Purging Prosecutors—It’s an ugly trend. Democratic control of Congress hasn’t stopped the Bush administration from continuing to remake the courts and refashion the rule of law in its ideological image. In recent months, eight U.S. Attorneys have been asked to resign by the Justice Department in an unprecedented purge of the nation’s top law enforcement […]

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Despite Cheney’s Absence, His Influence Looms Over Complex CIA Leak Trial

by Margie Burns | Feb 15, 2007 | Foreign Policy, National Security

Editor’s note: Margie Burns is an investigative writer who has reported for us in the past on election fraud, Bush family post-9/11 war profiteering, and the right-wing neocons who promoted the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Burns teaches at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, and she has recently been sitting in at the federal perjury trial of Vice President […]

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Reviewing the First 100 Hours | Spoiling for a Fight With Iran | Turn Down the Heat!

by WS Editors | Feb 1, 2007 | Foreign Policy, Politics

Quick Out of the Blocks—In a mode of efficiency unusual on Capitol Hill, especially among Democrats, the new majority passed their first 100-hour package of legislation in just 42 and a half legislative hours, according to the official clock on the House floor. Although the Associated Press counted 87 hours, it was hard to argue […]

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The U.S. Can’t Bring Peace to Iraq, But Muslim Nations Can

by Dilip Hiro | Jan 1, 2007 | Foreign Policy

The good news is that the report by the Iraq Study Group (ISG), entitled “The Way Forward: A New Approach,” has unleashed a public debate in the United States. Three out of four Americans responding to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll support its key policy recommendations. The bad news is that the bipartisan ISG, co-chaired by James Baker, […]

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