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Category: Foreign Policy

When Anti-Terror Justice Runs Amok

by WS Editors | Oct 1, 2007 | Foreign Policy, National Security

ON AUGUST 15, PETE SEDA CAME HOME. He had written to the U.S. Attorney in Eugene, Oregon, advising him that he would arrive in Portland at 11:25 a.m. on Lufthansa Flight 425. I was waiting for Seda in the international lobby at the airport, as was Associate Press reporter William McCall. There was also a […]

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A $20 Billion Solution to an Intractable Problem

by Robert Bryce | Sep 15, 2007 | Foreign Policy, Politics

Editor’s note: Two years ago, while I was working on a book on Vice President Dick Cheney, a general who had worked closely with the then-Secretary of Defense Cheney during the first Gulf War described the harm Cheney had done to the Army in the second go at Saddam Hussein. Troop strength was reduced to […]

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The Hawks are Circling | Rep. Lewis’s (Mis)Appropriations

by WS Editors | Sep 15, 2007 | Foreign Policy, Politics

The Three Day War—Ignored by the U.S. media, yet reported in the U.K., are increased concerns that the Bush administration plans to bomb Iran. On the day before Labor Day, the Sunday Times of London carried some remarks by Alexis Debat of the Nixon Center, a conservative Washington think tank that includes Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and […]

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Coming to a Theater Near You: Five Years in Guantánamo

by WS Editors | Jul 1, 2007 | Foreign Policy, Legal Affairs

BREMEN, Germany FIFTEEN AMERICAN SOLDIERS WATCHED over a man, shackled to a seat in the cargo bay of a C-17 Globemasterthe Air Force workhorse that usually moves Abrams tanks, Chinook helicopters or infantry vehicles. Wearing goggles that shut out all light, a soundproof headset and a mask that covered his mouth so he could not […]

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Tom DeLay’s Unsolicited Advice | The Foreclosure Epidemic | An Iraq Fallacy

by WS Editors | Apr 1, 2007 | Economy, Foreign Policy

The Hammer Strikes Back—NBC’s Today Show isn’t known for putting its guests in the hot seat—unless your name is Tom Cruise. Yet there was host Meredith Vieira on March 20, sinking her teeth into former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. “You say to fight, and the name of your book is No Retreat, No Surrender. But didn’t you […]

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