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Category: National Security

Congress Talks Reform, Doesn’t Act | Bush and Torture | State Secrets Are Piling Up

by WS Editors | Mar 15, 2006 | National Security, Politics

Reform Fatigue—“Reform” has been the buzzword in Washington this winter. Anxious lawmakers reacted with alarm to lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s guilty plea. Something needed to be done to silence the public outcry—the sooner the better. That something is turning out to be little more than nothing. Abramoff is temporarily off the front page. And every member […]

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After Tom DeLay: The Corruption Eruption Continues

by WS Editors | Feb 1, 2006 | Media, National Security

At the beginning of January, Representative Tom DeLay (R-TX) announced that he would not attempt to return to his post as House majority leader. After being indicted by a Texas grand jury on money-laundering charges, DeLay had initially said he was stepping down only temporarily. Apparently his simultaneous involvement in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal […]

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DeLaying the Inevitable | Abramoff Rolls Over | The Real Sam Alito

by WS Editors | Jan 15, 2006 | Legal Affairs, National Security

Recessitation—Members of the House of Representatives quickly got out of town on December 19. And they aren’t coming back until January 31. Why the month and a half paid vacation? Two words: Tom DeLay. After “The Hammer” stepped down as House majority leader last September upon his indictment in Texas, House leaders named only a […]

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The New Bush Doctrine: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell—Just Do It

by WS Editors | Jan 15, 2006 | Media, National Security

In a 1977 interview with David Frost, Richard Nixon made a comment that became seared in the American psyche as a perfect example of how a president must not treat the office. Frost asked Nixon if he believed a president is entitled to act illegally if he believes it is in the best interest of the nation. […]

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The Politics (and Profits) of Information: The 9/11 Commission One Year Later

by WS Editors | Nov 1, 2005 | Media, National Security

The commission that investigated the events of 9/11 has been highly praised and sharply criticized, but one aspect of its task has virtually escaped notice: its responsibility to leave behind a complete, lasting, and easily accessible public record of its investigation. For all the good work that the panel did, some of its decisions have […]

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