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Category: National Security

The End of Illegal Domestic Spying? Don’t Count on It

by WS Editors | Mar 15, 2007 | National Security

Americans of all persuasions were shocked by the revelations, first reported in the New York Times in December of 2005, that President Bush had authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to eavesdrop secretly for years on the calls and e-mails of American citizens, bypassing the warrants required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the U.S. […]

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Despite Cheney’s Absence, His Influence Looms Over Complex CIA Leak Trial

by Margie Burns | Feb 15, 2007 | Foreign Policy, National Security

Editor’s note: Margie Burns is an investigative writer who has reported for us in the past on election fraud, Bush family post-9/11 war profiteering, and the right-wing neocons who promoted the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Burns teaches at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, and she has recently been sitting in at the federal perjury trial of Vice President […]

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How Invading Iraq Has Set Back Democracy In the Middle East

by Dilip Hiro | Jun 1, 2006 | Foreign Policy, National Security

Editor’s note: We’ve offered many critiques of the Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq. But what we like about the case advanced by the author Dilip Hiro is that he takes the administration at its word that the real motive behind the invasion was to seed democracy in the volatile Middle East and thereby increase […]

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Erasing History at the National Archives

by WS Editors | Apr 15, 2006 | National Security

On December 20, 1960, representatives from U.S. corporations with business interests in Cuba—including Exxon, ITT and Domino Sugar—met with then-CIA director Allen Dulles. The meeting was called, according to an agency history written in the late 1970s, so that Dulles could hear the executives’ grievances about Fidel Castro’s regime. Without hinting that the CIA was […]

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One Year After a Major Realignment, The Intelligence Community Is in Disarray

by WS Editors | Apr 15, 2006 | National Security, Uncategorized

In the short space of five years, Americans have witnessed two major intelligence debacles: first, a sin of omission in 2001 (failure to detect and prevent the 9/11 attacks), followed by a sin of commission in 2002–03 (the estimate that Saddam Hussein had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction). These failures produced four major investigations, two […]

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