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Category: National Security

A Missile Defense Boondoggle Fueled by Money

by WS Editors | May 15, 2008 | Foreign Policy, National Security

ONE OF THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS for which George W. Bush does not get enough credit is his role in restarting the Cold War. Using an Iranian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program as a pretext, the Bush-Cheney White House is putting in place an anti-ballistic-missile system that targets Iranian ICBMs but is ideally positioned to take out […]

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When Anti-Terror Justice Runs Amok

by WS Editors | Oct 1, 2007 | Foreign Policy, National Security

ON AUGUST 15, PETE SEDA CAME HOME. He had written to the U.S. Attorney in Eugene, Oregon, advising him that he would arrive in Portland at 11:25 a.m. on Lufthansa Flight 425. I was waiting for Seda in the international lobby at the airport, as was Associate Press reporter William McCall. There was also a […]

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Senatorial Courtesy | Iraqi Flight Risk

by WS Editors | Jun 1, 2007 | National Security, Politics

Senator Hothead—Arizona Republican senator and presidential candidate John McCain hadn’t been in town to cast a Senate vote in five weeks when he jumped on Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) for slowing down final negotiations on the bipartisan immigration bill, thereby delaying McCain’s departure for a New York fund-raising event. McCain wanted to attend a midday […]

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Gagged National-Security-Letter Recipients Find Their Voice

by WS Editors | May 15, 2007 | National Security

In July 2005, George Christian got a call from an employee he supervised. An FBI agent had called to ask who could receive service of a national security letter addressed to the Library Connection, a nonprofit consortium that provides computer services to twenty-six Connecticut libraries. As executive director, Christian was responsible for the organization’s legal […]

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Fight Firearms with Firearms | The Religious Right Hates the Hate Crimes Bill

by WS Editors | May 1, 2007 | Legal Affairs, National Security

Would More Guns Make Us Safer?—The American Enterprise Institute, a neo-conservative think tank in Washington, DC, is not known by all as a purveyor of accurate information. It publishes studies funded by the oil industry disputing the existence of global warming, and cooked-up rationales for invading Iraq. From 2001 to 2006 it housed a scholar, […]

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