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Category: Politics

WIlliam Barr and President Trump

Under Pressure From Trump, Barr Misrepresented the DOJ Investigation of Ukraine, Misled Congress, and Enabled Trump to Evade Conviction

by Murray Waas | Oct 28, 2020 | Legal Affairs, Politics

In late September 2019, President Donald Trump called Attorney General William Barr, seeking a favor. Trump was at the time facing impeachment in the House of Representatives for pressuring the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, to announce investigations that could be politically advantageous to the U.S. president. Trump pressed his attorney general to hold a […]

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Donald Trump and Amy Comey Barrett

Trump Broke the Supreme Court, Too

by Andrew Cohen | Oct 27, 2020 | Politics

Amy Coney Barrett’s arrival strips away even the pretense of neutrality or nonpartisanship. The U.S. Supreme Court loses something it can hardly get back now that Amy Coney Barrett has been foisted upon it by President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans. It loses even the patina of neutrality that Chief Justice John Roberts has tried […]

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Donald Trump

Democracy on the Brink: A Rogue President Exploits Racial Divisions and Redefines Executive Power

by Hamilton Fish | Oct 25, 2020 | Election 2020, Politics

People on both sides of this deeply divided country view this election as a fight for the soul of the nation, but any similarity between the opposing camps ends there. President Trump has openly adopted the trappings and the reality of the authoritarian leaders whose respect he covets. He has embraced white supremacists and sided […]

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Trump Stethoscope illustration by Edel Rodriguez

Anatomy of Deceit: Team Trump Deploys Doctors with Dubious Qualifications to Push Fake Cure for Covid-19

by Anne Nelson | Sep 20, 2020 | Coronavirus, Politics

On July 27, a dozen physicians posed in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., dressed in white lab coats with “America’s Frontline Doctors” stitched over the pocket. The group’s chief spokesperson was Dr. Simone Gold, an emergency physician from Los Angeles. They were introduced by Jenny Beth Martin, the founding CEO of Tea […]

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Maint ST sign

Trump Economics Embrace Usual Fare of Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and False Promises to the Middle Class

by Steven Pressman | Sep 18, 2020 | Economy, Politics

Two numbers reveal everything you need to know about the U.S. economy over the past two decades. Between 1999 and 2018, the S&P 500 grew 6 percent annually, after accounting for dividends (2 percent annual gain) and inflation (2 percent annual loss). Stock prices more than doubled in value over this time period. Wall Street […]

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