Category: Politics
Using Academic Freedom to Keep God in the Science Classroom
by WS Editors | Jun 1, 2008 | Legal AffairsAFTER THE DOVER, PENNSYLVANIA, SCHOOL BOARD adopted the concept of “intelligent design” into its biology curriculum in the fall of 2004, Seth Cooper, an attorney with the Discovery Institute, headed for south-central Pennsylvania to visit the school district. Cooper should have been a supporter of the Dover board’s actions. The Seattle-based Discovery Institute is the […]
A Missile Defense Boondoggle Fueled by Money
by WS Editors | May 15, 2008 | Foreign Policy, National SecurityONE OF THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS for which George W. Bush does not get enough credit is his role in restarting the Cold War. Using an Iranian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program as a pretext, the Bush-Cheney White House is putting in place an anti-ballistic-missile system that targets Iranian ICBMs but is ideally positioned to take out […]
Congress Looks for Accountability on U.S. Torture Policy
by WS Editors | May 15, 2008 | PoliticsPrelude to a Prosecution?—Maybe the big news coming out of the May 6 hearing of Jerrold Nadler’s House subcommittee is that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is responsible for waterboarding. That, at least, is what the committee’s ranking minority member, Trent Franks (R-AZ), would have us believe. Franks said that Pelosi and other members of Congress […]
Emerging Bipartisan Consensus: The Iraq War is a “Major Debacle”
by WS Editors | May 1, 2008 | Foreign PolicyExeunt Left—How to get out of Iraq? Ten Democratic candidates for the U.S. House have a plan. “A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq,” by Darcy Burner of Washington, Donna Edwards of Maryland, and eight other candidates can be described as the opposite of John McCain’s Hundred Years’ War plan. It’s also a departure […]
War Games: The Democrats vs. Petraeus
by WS Editors | May 1, 2008 | PoliticsIN 9 A.D. THE ROMAN GOVERNOR OF GERMANIA, Publius Quinctilius Varus, led three legions deep into a Rhine River forest to put down an uprising of German tribes. In a classic tale of hubris and overreaching, Varus’s 15,000 soldiers and 15,000 camp followers were slaughtered by Teutonic irregulars they had underestimated and misunderstood. The only […]
Bad Faith Documentary
Bad Faith
“A great and powerful and timely film” – Ken Burns
Critics are raving about BAD FAITH, the sensational expose of Christian Nationalism from directors Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones
“One of the Ten Best Films of 2024” – Variety
Editor’s Picks
By Anthony Barnett
Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy
By Hamilton Fish
God and QR Codes for Trump; The Courage Tour Goes to Michigan
By Anne Nelson
Project 2025: The Latest Plot Against America
By Anne Nelson
What Does Putin Have on Trump?
By Bob Dreyfuss