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Category: Politics

The Politics (and Profits) of Information: The 9/11 Commission One Year Later

by WS Editors | Nov 1, 2005 | Media, National Security

The commission that investigated the events of 9/11 has been highly praised and sharply criticized, but one aspect of its task has virtually escaped notice: its responsibility to leave behind a complete, lasting, and easily accessible public record of its investigation. For all the good work that the panel did, some of its decisions have […]

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Cronyism Is Sinking the Ship of State

by Margie Burns | Oct 15, 2005 | Foreign Policy, National Security

With his nomination of Harriet Miers to be a Justice of the Supreme Court, George W. Bush has demonstrated once again that he is running a patronage operation in the White House. For high-level jobs with our government, only close friends or fellow ideologues need apply. The result of this mindless favoritism has been a […]

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The Unpopularity of Harriet Miers | DeLay’s Day in Court | A Wrist-Slap for Bush & Co.

by WS Editors | Oct 15, 2005 | Legal Affairs

Meet Madam Justice—Does Bush know something his conservative base doesn’t about Harriet Miers? He must, considering the outcry that has accompanied his pick to replace outgoing Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Following the announcement, Bush’s choice was met with a firestorm of disapproval, this time from his supporters. They wanted another Scalia or Thomas. […]

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President Bush’s Penchant for Secrecy Is Moving Us Toward a Closed Society

by Joe W. "Chip" Pitts | Oct 1, 2005 | Foreign Policy

Our friend Joe W. (“Chip”) Pitts is tireless when it comes to standing up for the constitutional rights of Americans. He has written for us in the past, on the dangers of the USA Patriot Act and domestic-surveillance schemes dreamed up by the Pentagon. When he’s not writing, Chip is busy as a lecturer at […]

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DeLay’s Pals Indicted (Again) | Porked Out | Chasing Hurricane Dollars | Tancredo Tantrum

by WS Editors | Oct 1, 2005 | Environment, Politics, Uncategorized

Tom and His Lucky DeLay—House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is lucky a hurricane hit New Orleans. Otherwise his cavalier cronyism would once again be front-page news. A year ago a top political aide, Jim Ellis, and fundraiser John Colyandro were indicted by a Texas grand jury for illegally funneling $190,000 in corporate contributions to Texas […]

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