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Category: Politics

Four Trump Judges Try to Immunize Flint Officials from Liability for Flint Water Crisis

by People For the American Way | Jun 24, 2019 | Legal Affairs, Politics

In our May issue we published Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears by Elliot Mincberg, a senior fellow at the indispensable People for the American Way (PFAW), on the alarming impact Trump appointees are already having on the federal courts. Analysts at PFAW have continued to monitor the decisions of these judges, and The Spectator is presenting […]

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Modern-Day Gulag In the Golden State

by Barbara Koeppel | Jun 4, 2019 | Health, Politics

Back in 1997, the Supreme Court ruled that the practice known as civil commitment was legal. This meant that 20 states—which had passed laws permitting the ongoing incarceration of sex offenders—could continue to keep the men confined even after they completed their prison terms. (See “Sex Crimes and Criminal Justice,” from the May 2018 issue […]

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Trump Tinkers With Formula That Sets Poverty Threshold

by Steven Pressman | Jun 2, 2019 | Economy, Politics

If President Trump has his way, things are about to go from bad to worse for America’s poor. On May 7, the Office of Management and Budget proposed changing the way that poverty gets measured in the U.S. The public has 45 days to respond to this proposal (June 21); then the government will decide […]

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Anti Abortion Protest

Anti-Abortion Rhetoric Mislabeled “Pro-Life”

by Richard Cherwitz | May 24, 2019 | Health, Politics

Scholars of communication for decades have studied how rhetoric matters—how language choices are strategic and can substantially affect the outcome of debates and policy on important public issues. Recent intense and emotionally-charged abortion arguments in several states offer powerful illustrations of the way language makes a difference. From a rhetorical perspective, the recent Alabama law […]

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Kavanaugh and Gorsuch Cast Deciding Votes to Overrule Precedent and Further Endanger Roe v. Wade

by Elliot Mincberg | May 23, 2019 | Legal Affairs, Politics

In our May issue we published Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears by Elliot Mincberg, a senior fellow at the indispensable People for the American Way (PFAW), on the alarming impact Trump appointees are already having on the federal courts. Analysts at PFAW have continued to monitor the decisions of these judges, and The Spectator is presenting […]

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