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Category: Politics

Greta Thunberg

The New Generation of Climate Activists Are Media-Savvy Teens

by WS Editors | May 23, 2019 | Culture, Environment

Greta Thunberg was 15 when she initiated a school strike for the climate last fall outside the Swedish Parliament. Her protest, known as Fridays for Future, has since spread across the globe and has now arrived in the United States. Greta posted this call to action on YouTube. We are on a school strike for […]

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Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu

About Those Benjamins

by Mort Rosenblum | May 15, 2019 | Politics, Religion

Donald Trump’s daft assertion—“Democrats hate Jews”—reflects an Israel policy that not only fans smoldering anti-Semitism across the world but also threatens the very survival of a hard-won Jewish homeland in a region armed for Armageddon. “Democrats have become an anti-Israel party,” Sarah Sanders told reporters recently. Then, sticking by that absurdity under harsh questioning, she […]

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Trump's Fist

Trump Budget Cuts Funding for Assistance Programs and Pushes for Strict Work Requirements

by Dennis Parker | May 13, 2019 | Economy, Politics

The president’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal is yet another attack on poor families. The administration has proposed slashing funding for critical programs that help low- and moderate-income individuals access healthy and nutritious food, receive critical health care services, and live in safe and affordable homes. Specifically, the president proposed to cut $230 billion from the […]

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President Trump

Containment and Deterrence Should Be Applied to Trump

by Andrew Cohen | May 10, 2019 | Opinion, Politics

Everything old is new again so let’s talk a little about Russia, American history, and how best to respond to the damage Donald Trump is doing to the presidency, the government, and the nation’s constitutional principles. It’s time for congressional Democrats to implement the familiar policies of “containment” and “deterrence” toward President Donald Trump and […]

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Donald Trump

Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears

by Elliot Mincberg | May 3, 2019 | Legal Affairs, Politics

Both critics and supporters of President Trump agree that, to date, the most important consequence of his presidency and sustained Republican control of the Senate has been the significant change in the federal judiciary. As of April 1, a record 39 judges have been appointed to lifetime posts on the Supreme Court and the federal […]

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