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Category: Politics


by Hamilton Fish | May 1, 2019 | Legal Affairs, Politics

Though Mueller concluded that the dizzying array of relations between Trump, his campaign, his family, his business associates and the Russians failed to rise to the level of a criminal conspiracy, and while he punted to Congress to decide whether Trump’s multiple and documented attempts to derail the investigation are enough to charge him with […]

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by Steven Pressman | Apr 8, 2019 | Politics

President Trump regularly brags about the phenomenal economic growth achieved during his presidency. Many economic commentators and political pundits have fallen for his assertion and have repeated it. In fact, economic growth in 2018 was 2.9 percent, only a little more than the 2.2 percent average over the previous decade. And much of the additional […]

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Hebrew Cemetery, Fall River

How Much Responsibility Should We Assign to Trump for the Rise of anti-Semitism and Hate Crimes?

by Richard Cherwitz | Mar 25, 2019 | Opinion, Politics

Last week, 59 gravesites at the Hebrew Cemetery in Fall River, Massachusetts were desecrated with anti-Semitic symbols and inscriptions that included swastikas, “Heil Hitler” and “this is MAGA country.” This harrowing incident was only the most recent example of numerous acts of hatred committed in this country over the past two years. In the wake […]

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Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump

North Korea, One More Time

by Robert Alvarez | Mar 18, 2019 | Foreign Policy, Politics

On the eve of Trump’s first meeting with Kim Jong-un in May 2018, the nuclear policy veteran Robert Alvarez wrote with skepticism in The Spectator about the prospects for meaningful achievements from the summit process. A former senior policy advisor to the Secretary of the Energy Department who led DOE teams to secure weapons material […]

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Paris Peace Conference

The Paris Peace Conference After 100 Years: Some Critical Lessons Not Learned

by Steven Pressman | Mar 12, 2019 | Economy, Politics

World War I, the so-called “war to end all wars,” concluded in November 1918. The crucial question of the day changed abruptly—from how to wage war to how to make peace. Could the Allied powers prevent another war on the European continent? How would individual nations rebuild their economies? And who was going to pay […]

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