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Category: Politics

Flag of the Republic of China or Taiwan on a processor, CPU Central processing Unit or GPU microchip on a motherboard.

The Wide Angle: Reality in Taiwan Differs from Perception in DC

by Dave Troy | Nov 9, 2023 | Foreign Policy, The Wide Angle

It has become an article of faith in Washington circles that conflict between China and Taiwan is a palpably real near-term concern. Most recently this idea has been given new life because funding for Taiwan is baked into the Biden administration’s massive $105 billion aid bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan — even though the […]

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Tony Perkins (left) of the Family Research Council honors Rep. Mike Johnson for his voting record on March 1, 2023

How Christian Nationalists, Big Oil and the Big Lie Seized the Speaker’s Gavel

by Anne Nelson | Oct 31, 2023 | Politics

On Friday, October 4, 2019, a little more than a year before the Council for National Policy (CNP) spearheaded efforts to overturn the 2020 Presidential elections on behalf of Donald Trump, the secretive organization gathered for the evening session of their closed-door meeting at the New Orleans Ritz-Carlton. (Videos of the meeting were obtained and […]

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Image of Jeff Yass from corporate Vimeo video.

Hard Right Billionaires are Spending Lavishly to Reshape State and Federal Courts

by Lisa Graves, Evan Vorpahl and Caitlin Mahoney | Oct 26, 2023 | Legal Affairs

American democracy has a billionaire problem. It’s not just that they’re not paying their fair share of taxes: they’re trying to buy our highest courts to advance their personal agendas, bending the law to their will. Pennsylvania is the latest target of this new brand of billionaire ambition, which used to be focused on acquiring […]

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David Grusch testifying at House Government Operations Subcommittee hearing on UFOs in JULY 2023

UFO Tales and Witness Credibility Falling Apart After Congressional Hearings

by Art Levine | Sep 8, 2023 | National Security

In the wake of the July 26 congressional hearings on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (formerly UFOs), the claims of alien visitations and secret government crash retrieval programs remain unproven —while questions about the credibility of the witnesses and the political motives of their patrons in Congress have fueled increasing public skepticism. There was little in the […]

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Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Donald Trump

Not the Donald, But the Don – Indicting a Career Racketeer

by Jonathan M. Winer | Aug 15, 2023 | Legal Affairs

Before the indictment of criminal defendant Donald John Trump under the racketeering statute in the State of Georgia, Godfather references were already a cliché. Former New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie recently described Trump and his associates at Mar-a-Largo as “acting like the Corleones with no experience,” in their efforts to hide […]

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