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Category: Economy

Bob Gates vs. Lockheed Martin

by WS Editors | Apr 15, 2009 | Economy, National Security

IT’S NO SECRET that Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to close out production of the F-22. Gates has been a critic of the bells-and-whistles guys in the Pentagon, has argued against Cold War weapons systems, and in June fired the fighter jet’s most outspoken advocates—Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff T. Michael […]

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Watchdog Bites | Iron Law of Wages | Critical Mass of Crazy | Race to the Bottom

by WS Editors | Apr 15, 2009 | Economy

Watchdog Bites—Since 2007, Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren has been making the case for a Financial Products Safety Commission that would evaluate financial instruments before bankers or brokers sell them to the public. Considering the wealth lost since the economy began to slide into a recession, a commission protecting individuals from high-risk securities and […]

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Enough Pentagon Spending? | Of Mice and Men | Texas Hold ’em | He’s Back

by WS Editors | Mar 1, 2009 | Economy, Foreign Policy

Enough Pentagon Spending?—A perpetually growing defense budget is an institutional imperative at the Pentagon. Yet lost in House Armed Services Committee testimony on Afghanistan was a rare bit of news. Defense Secretary Gates has discretionary funds that can be used for additional troops in Afghanistan—even if the defense budget is cut. This from General Jack […]

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Stimulated Opposition | The “N” Word

by WS Editors | Feb 15, 2009 | Economy, Politics

Stimulated Opposition—The $825 billion stimulus bill that began as House Resolution 1 moved through the Congress with the speed of a Bush war supplemental budget request. Yet the way it was received suggests that bipartisanship is already history. The opposition’s intent was evident before House Republicans unanimously voted against the bill, which passed by a […]

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Bair’s Bailout Plan | Turning the Corner on Torture

by WS Editors | Feb 1, 2009 | Economy, Foreign Policy

Bair’s Bailout Plan—Barack Obama’s Treasury Secretary-designate Timothy Geithner and senior economic adviser Lawrence Summers have dominated the shaping of policy and news coverage of the new White House economic team. Sheila Bair isn’t even part of it. The director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a Bush appointee, whom many assumed would resign […]

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