Category: Foreign Policy

Toward a Progressive Foreign Policy: The Case of Syria
by Andrew Meyer | Aug 19, 2013 | Foreign PolicyU.S. politics is usually dominated by debates over domestic policy, so it has almost been forgotten that the downhill slide of the Bush coalition began because of their mismanagement of foreign affairs. The midterm election of 2006 was carried by the Democrats due to anger over the Iraq war. Though the political scene here in […]

John Kerry Is Making It Worse
by M.J. Rosenberg | Aug 12, 2013 | Foreign Policy(John Kerry | Source: AFP) Initially it appeared that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace initiative was harmless. Although few Israelis, Palestinians or Americans expected it to accomplish anything, it was hard to make the case that it would do any damage. No more. And not just because the Israeli government keeps announcing the […]

Is al Qaeda Really Stronger Today?
by Doug Daniels | Aug 10, 2013 | Foreign Policy, PoliticsRick Santorum | Source: NBC News) This week marked the 15th anniversary of the attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and in a sobering reminder that al Qaeda still poses a serious threat to western interests abroad, the State Department temporarily closed 19 embassies across the Middle East and Africa. Some critics […]

America’s Great White Whale
by Alan Elsner | Aug 1, 2013 | Foreign PolicySince being sworn in as secretary of State, John Kerry has had to grapple with many issues. But none have taken up more of his time than the Israeli-Palestinian issue and new obstacles keep appearing. Kerry has traveled to the region five times and met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud […]

Celebrated New Peace Talks Are Headed Nowhere Fast
by M.J. Rosenberg | Jul 25, 2013 | Foreign PolicyI wonder what it is that other people see about Secretary of State John Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian breakthrough that I’m missing. The fundamentals haven’t changed. The Palestinian Authority’s goal is to achieve a peace agreement with Israel in which it (again) recognizes Israel and Israel agrees to the establishment of a Palestinian state in the occupied […]
Bad Faith Documentary
Bad Faith
“A great and powerful and timely film” – Ken Burns
Critics are raving about BAD FAITH, the sensational expose of Christian Nationalism from directors Stephen Ujlaki and Chris Jones
“One of the Ten Best Films of 2024” – Variety
The Wide Angle: “Project Russia,” Unknown in the West, Reveals Putin’s Playbook
By Dave Troy
The Wide Angle: Peter Thiel and the American Apocalypse
By Dave Troy
What Does Putin Have on Trump?
By Bob Dreyfuss
The Wide Angle: Stop Musk Now Or Face Certain Collapse
By Dave Troy
Trump and Musk Advance to the Rear and May Lead the Rest of Us Straight to Hell
By Michael Winship