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Category: National Security

Redefining Terrorism

by WS Editors | Sep 15, 2010 | Legal Affairs, National Security

Redefining Terrorism—Long before right-wing opportunists began using the building of an Islamic center in Lower Manhattan to inflame public passions, federal law-enforcement was focused on a less conspicuous address. The “prayer house” on 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. in Ashland, Oregon, was owned by the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation of Oregon, a Muslim charity that in 2001 was […]

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Channeling Ike | Wages of War | Camp Followers | The Real Strategic Threat

by WS Editors | Jul 15, 2010 | Economy, National Security

Channeling Ike—Robert Gates’s May 8 address at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas, got passing attention from the media when he delivered it. Two months later, the speech has taken on a life of its own, in particular at the Pentagon, where it is read as a warning about out-of-control budgets, a dysfunctional appropriations process, […]

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The Afghan Dilemma | Blaming Obama/Intelligence as an Option | Five Years and Five Billion

by WS Editors | Nov 15, 2009 | Foreign Policy, National Security

The Afghan Dilemma—House Armed Services Committee Chair Ike Skelton (D-MO) describes President Barack Obama’s Afghanistan strategy as “not new” but the “first strategy” in a war that has been under-resourced and “forgotten” since the Bush administration initiated it in 2001. The Afghanistan assessment that General Stanley McChrystal presented to the president reportedly calls for an […]

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Bob Gates vs. Lockheed Martin

by WS Editors | Apr 15, 2009 | Economy, National Security

IT’S NO SECRET that Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to close out production of the F-22. Gates has been a critic of the bells-and-whistles guys in the Pentagon, has argued against Cold War weapons systems, and in June fired the fighter jet’s most outspoken advocates—Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff T. Michael […]

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Economic Treason | Intelligence Failure? | Liars’ Club

by WS Editors | Jan 1, 2009 | Economy, National Security

Economic Treason—Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky represents a state that is home to Toyota’s biggest plant outside of Japan. Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama represents a state that is home to Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Hyundai, and Toyota. Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee represents a state that is home to Nissan’s North American headquarters and a new […]

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