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Category: Politics

Social Security Piratization | Dr. Dean’s New Job

by WS Editors | Feb 15, 2005 | Economy, Politics

Social Insecurity—President Bush keeps pushing his Social Security privatization plan, but with a declining chance of passage. Democratic opponents call it “Bushonomics” and a “piratization scheme” that fits what George W.’s father once called “voodoo economics.” The debate has spurred a new vocabulary among Democrats—”chicanery,” “deception,” “subterfuge” and “trickery” that they say is designed to […]

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Knight Ridder’s Verdict: Iraq Is a Wreck

by WS Editors | Feb 1, 2005 | Foreign Policy, Politics

Days after the president’s second term acceptance speech, which was full of optimism for the blessed success of democracy and freedom in Iraq, the Middle East and the world, the White House revealed that, on top of the $25 billion in “emergency spending” in Iraq already approved for this year, it will ask Congress for […]

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How News Is Reported—or Not Reported—Can Make It Worse

by WS Editors | Feb 1, 2005 | Media, Politics

We were not alone in finding that the extravagant, massively policed, $40-million presidential inauguration parade and the chief executive’s wimpy acceptance speech, followed by the 10 expensive ballroom galas, were bad news. A headline in the New York Times Week in Review section called the Bush oration “A Speech About Nothing, Something, Everything.” In his 21-minute inaugural […]

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Aid for Tsunami Victims | Good Election News | U.S. to “Disappear” Suspected Terrorists

by WS Editors | Jan 15, 2005 | Foreign Policy, Politics

Off the Air—It took President Bush three days from the time of the tsunami disaster to meet with reporters at his Texas ranch. He told them that the United States would send $15 million in foreign aid to help the victims of the earthquake and tidal wave in southern Asia, a historic cataclysm that has […]

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It’s Really the Selectoral or Ejectoral College and Needs to Go

by George C. Edwards III | Jan 15, 2005 | Books, Politics

To most of us the Electoral College is so inscrutable and immutable that we don’t grasp how much it is also so undemocratic and inequitable. Now we have just seen it go through its antique antics again. Under the chairmanship of Vice President Dick Cheney, a joint session of Congress met in the House of […]

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